“Health is more than the absence of disease. Fitness is the fountain of youth. Dr. Richards provides extraordinary insight into health and fitness with life-changing, transformational guidance.”
Dr. Mark Richards‘ fascinating and fully referenced book shines a spotlight on how unbalanced hormone activity caused by our exposure to powerful Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals has created the chronic diseases that are destroying us. This book contains urgently needed education for the public and physicians.
Half of all Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease. These include diabetes, mood disorders, obesity, dementia and cognitive issues, breast cancer, heart disease, strokes, memory and balance problems, thinning bones, frailness of aging, and sexual dysfunction. A simple generic long lasting treatment used since 1940 has been shown to dramatically prevent or reverse these diseases by 50%.
What has stopped knowledge of this treatment? Ninety percent of $1.3 trillion in annual global pharmaceutical revenues derives from drugs prescribed to treat but not cure or prevent chronic diseases.
Dr. Mark Richards served for years as a physician consultant to the White House and in leadership positions for national and regional medical and surgical societies. This Yale educated scientist’s research began after he noticed that something unexplained, yet potentially treatable, was taking a heavy toll on human health and relationships.
A personal Eureka moment led Dr. Richards to find layers of truth about human illness, some glossed over and some purposely hidden. By combining knowledge from many medical fields, a single root cause for the most common modern diseases became explainable.
The public and physician education contained in this book is the critical knowledge necessary for us to regain health and happiness, and reduce our enormous expenditures on chronic disease treatments that neither cure nor prevent disease.